Matilda | Book and Movie Review

Ever since I was little, I’ve always been drawn to stories with magic. Because even though magic isn’t real in the sense of spells, potions, and making things appear out of thin air – magic in the form of the miraculous, the beautiful, and the unexplained, is entirely real. For this reason, is why one of…

Small Great Things | ARC Review

Imagine if you were unable to do your job or take care of your family, not because you were incompetent, but because of your skin color. Many Americans don’t have to imagine it, because they’re experiencing it. In the wake of the #BlackLivesMatter movement and the deaths of Trayvon Martin, Philando Castile, and Alton Sterling among others,…

Year of Yes | Book Review

We live in a world where success is defined by stature and achievements. The more money you have, the higher you’re valued. The more you’ve accomplished, the more you’ve succeed. By anyone’s standards, Shonda Rhimes is a complete success. She is the queen of modern-day television with an entire night of programming she’s created. She…

Go Set A Watchman | Book Review

Just over a month ago, Harper Lee’s second novel Go Set a Watchman was released. Taking into account her age and poor health, it wasn’t published without question and scrutiny. This intense level of publicity set the novel up for failure as many people expected it to be a second To Kill a Mockingbird, instead of letting…

Gray Mountain | Book Review

Growing up, we all have an idea of what we think our lives will be. We’ll get a job straight out of college, and work our up to the top. By so-and-so age, we’ll have married the love of our lives and have X number of kids. We make a plan that we think is…

Chef | Movie Review

How many times have you done something because someone else told you to? Probably too many. In the summer hit Chef, Carl Casper is stuck. As a runaway chef, he started to make his mark in the restaurant industry only to be stunted by the demands of the business. He stopped cooking the food he wanted to…

Messenger | Book Review

In our lives, there aren’t too many times where we don’t have control over major parts of our lives. We get to decide where we go to school, what we want to major in, where we want to live, who we want to live with, and so much more. Yes, there are external forces that…