Young Jane Young | Book Review

When it comes to reading, most people pick up a book for one of two reasons: to learn something new or to escape. When its the latter choice, people don’t often stray from their genres of choice and topics of interest. For me, its contemporary fiction and mystery/thriller. I have read multiple books by Gabrielle…

They Both Die at the End | ARC Review

The beauty in life is that every single person’s life is different. No two people are the same and will have the same experiences. What bonds us all, is our limited time to be alive. Eventually everyone is going to die, and even with medical advances, we can’t predict when that moment is going to…

I’m Thinking of Ending Things | Book Review

Relationships can be messy. Friends grow apart, following new interests and moving to new places. Significant others lose sight of why they got together in the first place. Families blend together, not always by choice.  At one point or another, in one relationship or another, we’ve all thought about ending things, parting ways and never…

Year of Yes | Book Review

We live in a world where success is defined by stature and achievements. The more money you have, the higher you’re valued. The more you’ve accomplished, the more you’ve succeed. By anyone’s standards, Shonda Rhimes is a complete success. She is the queen of modern-day television with an entire night of programming she’s created. She…

Kindred Spirits | Book Review

Growing up, I was taught to have passion; to find what I love, put my heart into it and never let it go. Our passions fuel who we are and everything we do. It doesn’t what matter your passion is as long you find it and are true to it. In Kindred Spirits, Rainbow Rowell’s…

Go Set A Watchman | Book Review

Just over a month ago, Harper Lee’s second novel Go Set a Watchman was released. Taking into account her age and poor health, it wasn’t published without question and scrutiny. This intense level of publicity set the novel up for failure as many people expected it to be a second To Kill a Mockingbird, instead of letting…

The Giver | Book Review

Part of being human is making mistakes. Everyone does it, some more frequently than others, but we all learn from making poor choices, or not making a choice at all. What would happen, though, if that was taken away? If we didn’t have to make choices, we could never choose wrong. No mid-life crisis from…

Insurgent | Book Review

There isn’t much that separates us as human beings from other species. We’re all made from the same matter, and have both a beginning and end to our lives. The key difference that separates us, is our minds, and ultimately our ability to choose. In the second novel of Veronica Roth’s Divergent series, aptly titled Insurgent, war has broken…

Divergent | Book Review

Having attended multiple leadership conferences in the past few years, one of the biggest trends I’ve noticed in personal development and leadership training is focusing on values. By better understanding what tenets are most important to us, we can act upon them and lead a more fulfilling and meaningful life. If you had to, however, could you…

Sycamore Row | Book Review

The supreme irony of life is that hardly anyone gets out of it alive – Robert Heinlein I heard that quote once, and it’s true, at some point or another, we’re all going to die. But, what’s going to happen when we do? Who will attend our funerals? Will people remember us after we’re gone?…